Just when you thought it was going to be all Girlfiend, all the time--look, reviews! I'll be grabbing a lesbian or comic-related title off the bookshelf every now and then and jotting down a few impressions.

First up, Superfist Ayumi by Kozo Yohei, a manga-style erotic comic devoted to college lesbians, karate, and--you guessed it--fisting. Athletic Ayumi is the president of her school's female karate club. Too bad they're at the bottom of their league. All the girls love Ayumi, but Ayumi mainly just loves karate. Ayumi tries to fend off her infatuated teammates as much as possible, but when she accidently kicks one in the head, she's too much of a gentledyke not to check up on her later. And the rest, well, you'll just have to read to find out. Girlfight and medical fetishists will especially love this one.

Way too many erotic comics are too sexless (schoolgirls, kissing, giggles) or too mechanical (generic fucking and sucking) for me to enjoy. Superfist Ayumi manages to hit that perfect spot on the sweet/sexy axis. The art is typical mangerotica style: dynamic and slurpy. Ayumi is a standout character, with her choppy hair and fists of fury, and left this dyke weak in the knees. It's refreshing to see a hot butch in a genre plagued by piles of doll hair and triple-F bazoongas.

Availability: Issues #1 and #3 are available in print from Eros Comix. The whole series is hosted as a compressed file on numerous file sharing hubs. Not that I'm recommending anything like that, just FYI.


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